About the Artist -

Joey Mooreales is a Maryland-based artist trying to spread his creative ideas to the masses. His first art project, ’22 Starter Pack, was released in the back half of 2022. This drop included posters like room. [Recovered], twentytwenty, & his best-selling Take A Gander. After his debut as an artist, he made his art show and performance debut in December of that same year, presenting Take A Gander and performing a poem he wrote called “What Leads to the Most Growth?”. In April of the following year, Joey returned with his second project, providing Moore Art to the public. This batch of posters includes the pillar/WHICH SIDE? and outside. [... - .- -.--] DELUXE. He also included a painted canvas in this release, naming it x LIVE! from Groundhog Day x.

After a short hiatus, Joey returned strong with his third art project "Oops! All Paintings!" This project was inspired by the fact that he had only been known to do digital works and wanted to try his hand at a new medium. With some inspiration from the Cap'n Crunch cereal "Oops! All Berries" for the title, he started working with paints, markers, and charcoal to create seven canvases to show the new skill set he had. These canvases included Sorry To Bother You, Paraiso, Moon Worm, Animals . (the first release from the project), and the powerful Mirror., a canvas reflecting on a toxic, imbalanced relationship from the man's perspective. Joey presented this project at the Pancakes & Booze art show on May 23rd, 2024, and released it to the world officially on May 31st. Each canvas is an original, but prints will be coming soon.

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